The work on development and integration of a pilot demonstration model for circular economy under project GBG16M1OP002-2 009-0036 is progressing.

The information platform is almost completely developed in terms of design, architecture, navigation and visualization and is currently at the stage of applying spatial and non-spatial data, which will provide a combined presentation of user-oriented information.

Special thanks to our partners from Ecopack Bulgaria AD, BalBok Engineering AD, Texcycle, Texide Bulgaria EOOD, ECOBULPACK AD, Share Waste and Sofia Municipality for the shared data that will help us provide users with a systematic and informed choice about the possibilities for prevention or reduction of the formed household. waste, preparation for separate collection, reuse and / or recycling of household waste materials.

Тhe pilot demonstration model for circular economy will be tested both at the development level and at each stage of the construction of the set modules.

The project is funded by the Operational Program „Environment 2014-2020“, supported by the ERDF of the European Union Fund.

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