Communication strategy under project №BG16M1OP002-2.009-0036 „Pilot demonstration model for circular economy“, funded by the Operational Program Environment 2014 – 2020

The team of Magisterium Ltd. has developed a Communication Strategy for the project №BG16M1OP002-2.009-0036 „Pilot demonstration model for a circular economy“, covering the entire period of implementation of the activities.

The purpose of the communication strategy is to present the project with its vision, goals and activities to the various target groups and the public and to show them the benefits and results of its implementation. To promote the capabilities of the platform, the benefits of its introduction and the environmental commitment and actions of local authorities, business and the public. The essence of the communication plan is expressed in the implementation of measures and activities related to the promotion of the project results and defined according to the needs of the considered target groups.

The communication strategy will be implemented in full compliance with the measures and requisites, according to Annex II Unified manual of the beneficiary for application of the rules for information and communication 2014-2020 to the National Communication Strategy.

You can download the draft PR strategy here: PRStrategyProjectBG0036.pdf

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